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Course content

General Focus:

Deal with and acquire knowledge of forms of communication relevant to university studies; make use of persuasive texts based on factual arguments to practice strategies for gaining and developing an understanding of written material

  • Interpret and produce argumentative factual texts of a generally academic nature
  • Apply techniques for planning and writing structured texts, as well as (self-)correct them in a targeted manner
  • Deepen knowledge of complex grammatical structures
  • Systematically build up a vocabulary of abstract, academically relevant terms

Learning Objectives:

After completing this course, students will fulfill the advanced proficiency requirements of level C1.1 CEFR (Common European Framework of Reference) in German. The focus is on

  • developing writing skills that enable students to participate effectively in academic life and to use the language effectively in their studies
  • deepening and improving reading skills that enable them to understand more complex factual texts in relative detail
  • deepening and expanding upon structural knowledge in a practical manner

Students will have the following

linguistic skills:

  • The ability to break down complex information from a variety of sources in a targeted manner
  • The ability to present information, weigh and assess arguments, and convey points of view

strategic skills:

  • The ability to effectively and constructively communicate information, explanations, and points of view

intercultural skills:

  • The cultural sensitivity to effectively and constructively communicate information, explanations, and points of view and to question possible differences regarding how they are received

Course Topics:

Famous Freie Universität Berlin figures – the limitations of growth – civic engagement – creativity – self-optimization – the psychology of giving – public holidays – the future of living – global insect decline – mobility in the future – unconditional basic income