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Course Details

No, we do not specifically prepare for these test formats. We do offer the DSH-Prüfung for students who have already been accepted into an FU program. For further information please see Deutsche Sprachprüfung für den Hochschulzugang (DSH) (German version only).

There are no tuition fees for our semester courses.

You find detailed information regarding your class times and venue in the university’s digital course catalog.

All sessions of your course are displayed in the university’s digital course catalog.

All sessions of your course are displayed in the university’s digital course catalog.

Classes are taught on Dahlem campus in Silberlaube Building (Habelschwerdter Allee 45). As it is sometimes difficult to find seminar rooms right away, make sure to be there well in advance on day one. This digital map helps you to find your way around the building.

Please refer to the digital guidance system on the screens inside the building or contact one of the receptionists located at the main entrances of the building.

Your instructor will provide you with his/her contact details on day 1 of the course.

Your course instructor will inform you before or in the beginning of the course with all relevant details regarding Blackboard.

Your instructor will inform you about the prescribed material and course requirements in week 1. You do not need to buy anything in advance.