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FAQ Language Learning Advising / Coaching

One-to-one sessions with a trained advisor. In an advising session, you can:

  • receive support for autonomous language learning
  • define personal learning goals
  • discuss various methods and strategies to improve your language learning skills
  • reflect on your motivation, feelings attitude towards the learning process
  • receive support for setting up an individual learning plan
  • discuss how to choose appropriate learning materials
  • reflect on how to further develop your own learning strategies
  • sign a contract for your autonomous language learning project (in German)
  • discuss your specific questions
  • and much more.

In order adequately support the language learning process, we recommend making two to three appointments at regular intervals.

Language learning advising / coaching is free of charge.

  • Language learning advising is not remedial teaching. In an advising session, you will not receive feedback on your language performance or help with your homework. Rather, you will discuss strategies on how to correct and improve your own performance autonomously.
  • Language learning advising is not language teaching.
  • Language learning advising is not only for learners who have difficulties, it is for everyone interested in reflecting upon and further developing their language learning strategies.
  • For students enrolled in a language module
  • For students who want to learn, continue learning or refresh a language on their own
  • For students who are learning in tandem
  • For all students who are learning a language and have questions

Send an email to the advisor and arrange your first appointment with her. You will find the address and office hours under Appointments. After the first appointment, you can arrange further appointments directly with the advisor.

  • If you are not yet familiar with the CILL, please ask the student staff for a brief introduction.

  • If you do not know which level of proficiency you currently have in the target language, take the Dialang self-assessment test at the CILL. Make a note of the results and of the advisory feedback in order to discuss them with the advisor.

  • Reflect on your own attitude towards autonomous language learning. The questions you will find under the Autonomy Model will help you.

  • Formulate the questions that are important to you. If necessary, bring concrete examples or work with you.