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Bachelor English Language and Literature / Bachelor Elementary Education with English as the Elective / Bachelor (Applied) North American Studies

Language tests for applicants for the following bachelor's degree programs:
English Language and Literature (Major, 60 CP minor or 30 CP minor subject in a combi bachelor)
Elementary Education with English as the Elective
North American Studies (Mono bachelor)
Applied North American Studies (Major subject in a combi bachelor)
North American Studies (60 CP minor subject in a combi bachelor)

12.09.2022, 9 a.m.
Please arrive 30 minutes before the start of the test so that the test can start on time!

E-Examination Center2 (EEC2)
On the premises of the Seminaris CampusHotel
Takustr. 39
14195 Berlin


Please register here: https://www.lvplanung.fu-berlin.de/. You will need the user name and the password of your FU applicant account.

In case you face difficulties with the registration, please contact our office ("Sekretariat")

What to bring to the test

  • your ID
  • a pen
  • an FFP2 mask

Sample test:
Further information on the language test (duration and sample test) can be found at Sample Test English.

How to receive your test result & register for a Lanuage Skills course:
To find out how to get your result and register for our courses, please see test results.